In English
About Norwegian Library Association
Norwegian Library Association (NLA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation aiming to promote and develop library and information services. NLA was founded in 1913.
Norwegian Library Association’s objective is to be a forceful and unifying interest group for the Norwegian library and information services sector. NLA shall be the advocate and premise supplier for libraries at all levels of government.

Membership is open for all welcoming NLA’s aims, individuals and institutions alike. NLA counts politicians as well as writers and librarians among its individual members, and libraries, universities and municipalities among its institutional members. NLA counts about 3000 members, of which 2000 are individual members.
Mode of Operation
NLA aims to reflect the geographical and political variations of its members, and carries out its work through a structure of local associations working on a regional level, special groups working within specific areas of interest, and various committees and divisions appointed by the Executive Committee.
Action Program
NLA’s key priorities are:
- To argue and emphasize the importance of libraries in the democratic process and promote freedom of information and speech
- To ensure the principle of the free lending right, independent of technological and political changes in society
- To develop and strengthen libraries as promoters of knowledge, information and culture
- To develop and strengthen libraries in building and supporting education, and as an arena for learning, research and innovation.
- To promote an effective and robust library service of high quality.
- To ensure development and digital innovation in the Norwegian library sector and work for state funding of national licenses and increase support for Open Access.
- To build alliances and co-operate with relevant national and international organisations within the fields of research, education and culture.
NLA is a member of several international organisations such as IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) and Blue Shield. NLA cooperates with the Palestinian Libraries and Information Association (PLIA).